Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hey all! So as is obvious from the title this blog is about my trip to Barcelona the week before last. Um where to start? My weekend in Barcelona was in one word AMAZING! First of all the weather was absolutely to die for. It was sunny and in the 70s all weekend! Second of all we really got to see almost everything there is to see in Barcelona, from Las Ramblas, the Mediterranean Sea, the Olympic Park, the soccer stadium of FC Barcelona, Park Guell, architecture by Gaudi, Plaza Espanya, and El Mercado (the market).

Las Ramblas is a walkway from the center of Barcelona at Plaza Catalunya leading to the port of Barcelona at the Mediterranean Sea. Along Las Ramblas are people selling a sorts of things, pretty flowers, and those people that dress up and perform like in San Fransisco. Along the way, walking down Las Ramblas, you run into El Mercado. This is possibly the coolest thing in the world. It's a huge market of people selling fishes, meats, fruits, bread, etc. I bought a carton a fresh strawberries for 1 euro that were the most delicious strawberries ever!

After that we went to the FC Barcelona soccer stadium which Sean and Elliott were all about. However, we didn't take a tour of the stadium because it cost about 15 euros which is nonsense because it costs 4 to tour the Real Madrid stadium.

We also went to Plaza Espanya. At the plaza, up the hill, is the most impressive building which turned out to be an art museum. You can walk to the top of the hill and have a very cool view of the city. Also, on Saturday nights they but on a water show with all the fountains and light them up in all these cool colors. It was almost magical!Also, behind the museum is the Olympic Park. So, after the water show we went over to look at it. While we were there Disney On Ice was there so we sat outside of the building under the Olympic torch talking and listening to all the Disney songs.

The other cool thing they have in Barcelona is this air taxi for lack of a better word. It's sort of an enclosed ski lift that takes you up and you get an aerial view of the entire city!

Also, Barcelona offers amazing buildings designed by Gaudi for all you architecture lovers. They are pretty much the coolest designs because they are so original. He used so many things as inspiration including sea shells, the body of a snake, coral, etc. I loved his work because it is like nothing I'd ever seen. He also designed this park called Guell. The park is surrounded by benches made out of mosaic stone. It was so peaceful just to sit there and watch all the people.

Overall, it was the best trip so far. The people (Sean, Elliott, Maribel, Vanessa, and myself) I traveled with were perfect; the perfect number of people! It was just a really great trip!


P.S. more pictures to come!

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